Six months & I thee concieve.
How often that one finds himself / herself the need for a blahchat - the phone book shows more than a hundred numbers, I scroll down and cannot find one person I can talk crap to. People who ARE shortlisted though, are either in a different timezone, or havent been contacted in fkin ages, which means that I cant afford to go to my present state straight away - I will have to do the whole - hello how yu doin and start it from where it ended.
R has been on my ass lately to talk to myself. And Ive even out this blog as the homepage so that it reminds me to talk to myself - and fill in for that imagnary friend Im missing at the moment.
I will give a name to him. (It has to be a him. I cannot afford to have a imaginary friend as a her, especially with the great luck I've been having with chicks nowadays).
So keeping up the tradition - I will fill in to that imaginary friend with all whats been happening in my life.
Whats happening to me Ed? Why am I feeling like this at bloody 5 AM on a Tuesday ?!
whats happenin dude? whats happenin?
Its this ajeeb feelin I have - a feeling of non-accomplishment..I hate the fact that my worst enemy is myself - its me trying to deal with my procrastination and laziness.
well its good that you already know whats wrong. Think of all the assholes who have no idea about whats happenin and they cant in turn figure out a possible solution.
Yea I know. So what do you think is missing pal?
20 sec silence.